Our Room

Hotel Vaibhav Ganga Netala, Uttarkashi a Budget Hotel. It has well-furnished 32 rooms which serve as the ideal place to relax after a tumultuous day. Our guests can have the benefit of a wide range of accommodation from all Rooms and that too at reasonable tariffs. Hotel Vaibhav Ganga offers you beautiful, clean comfortable rooms with double beds, triple beds and quadruple beds. Which includes basic facilities along with free parking. From here you can see the river Ganga along with beautiful nature views. Due to which you can get the feeling of joy. Hotel Vaibhav Ganga offers you beautiful clean comfortable rooms with double bed, three bed four bed rooms. Which also includes basic facilities with free parking. Hotel Vaibhav Ganga offers you beautiful, clean comfortable rooms with double beds, triple beds and quadruple beds. Which includes basic facilities along with free parking. From here you can see the river Ganga along with beautiful nature views. Due to which you can get the feeling of joy.

Double Bed Tripel Bed Four Bed Double Bed- Extra Bed Tripel Bed- Extra Bed Four Bed- Extra Bed
Triple Bed
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Four Bed
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Triple Bed
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Four Bed with One Extra
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Double Bed
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Four Bed One Extra
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Double Bed With One Extra
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— Happy Customer — Comfortable Bed Rooms — Wifi — Parking Facilities

Hotel Vaibhav Ganga
Netala Uttarkashi

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